Oh No They Didnt Guess Who I Met Funny
The song, Oh No You Didn't, which was used in a TV ad for the game Mercenary 2, by Electronic Arts, is still getting recycled and appearing in new videos (along with the expression):
Can I suggest this be given consideration for further research? Last time I tried to bring it up, about a year or so ago, deadpool was mentioned in regards to it.
So, either the song happened to come from the expression, or the expression picked up due to the song, and EA ad. Thanks for looking into this more.
The expression is EXTREMELY '90s.
It's like, "talk to the hand" and "bling bling."
If I may ask, what's your interest in digging up 90's mainstream pop culture?
Because is HAWSOME
I keep running into it on Youtube, as I am looking up other things, so I am seeing a elements of viralness in it.
If you like "oh no you didn't" you'll love phat, da bomb, getting jiggy, off the hook, off the chain, and you go girl.
also, what the hell, I'm posting Tag Team
I bet Alex looks like this right now:
I found the other thread I put up regarding it. In this thread, it was "overdone in the 90s" and the other one it was like that it didn't really get a lot of remixes.
Actually I'm lookin like this….
Why are you doing SMG's mom?
Rich wrote:
I found the other thread I put up regarding it. In this thread, it was "overdone in the 90s" and the other one it was like that it didn't really get a lot of remixes.
If what you're talking about is specifically the song from Mercenaries 2, then that's one thing.
If you're talking about the phrase "Oh no you didn't" then that's another.
There's nothing in my mind that would suggest the song from the ads for the game had anything to do with the popularity of the phrase. People have been saying "oh no you didn't" TO DEATH since the 90's.
If you are talking about the song from the game, then what? Are there remixes of it? Is there a dance that goes to it?
There's just not a lot about most '90s slang that strikes me as "internet culture" unless it's presented as nostalgia.
If you can show me evidence that the Mercenries 2 ad that used the song in any way drove many people to share it, make reference to it, make jokes about it, or do covers of it in other styles, then that would be awesome.
But when I search for it, I just get a few copies of the song itself (which is funny, btw) and a piano tutorial, and some things that aren't really related. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%22oh+know+you+didn%27t%22&aq=f
There are LOTS of memes from the 90's!
And even:
I know, still thought people would get a kick out of it.
Never Gonna Give You Up was a pop song in the '80s but didn't become the Rickroll until 2007. Not quite the same thing.
We are talking about a certain type of meme and you are going to post a completely different one.
Are you even trying to pay attention?
Piano wrote:
There are LOTS of memes from the 90's!
And even:
Oh No You Did Not.
Joaquin Phoenix wrote:
If what you're talking about is specifically the song from Mercenaries 2, then that's one thing.
If you're talking about the phrase "Oh no you didn't" then that's another.
There's nothing in my mind that would suggest the song from the ads for the game had anything to do with the popularity of the phrase. People have been saying "oh no you didn't" TO DEATH since the 90's.
If you are talking about the song from the game, then what? Are there remixes of it? Is there a dance that goes to it?
There's just not a lot about most '90s slang that strikes me as "internet culture" unless it's presented as nostalgia.
If you can show me evidence that the Mercenries 2 ad that used the song in any way drove many people to share it, make reference to it, make jokes about it, or do covers of it in other styles, then that would be awesome.
But when I search for it, I just get a few copies of the song itself (which is funny, btw) and a piano tutorial, and some things that aren't really related. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%22oh+know+you+didn%27t%22&aq=f
I think there should be an entry for the phrase "Oh no you didn't" and the song can be added to that but you are right the song itself is not a meme.
Here's a shitty one I made a while back. I think I'll try and improve it sometime. But hey, my first gif with text!
This is definitely a meme. Do we have an entry?
I don't know seems way too off internet too me.
I think it would make a great entry. Check out the "that's what she said" for some guidance on setting it up.
Last edited Jun 08, 2011 at 01:06AM EDT
It should definitely mention the popular Livejournal community Oh No They Didn't as well.
Last edited Jun 08, 2011 at 01:08AM EDT
I haven't even made a post in this Thread, and yet my Mom gets mentioned?
Source: https://knowyourmeme.com/forums/meme-research/topics/9649-oh-no-you-didnt-is-viral
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